Deci Tropes!!
I'm a huge fan of TV Tropes, so if you happen to be too, this one's for you!
And yes it's in Comic Sans. EVERYTHING IS IN COMIC SANS!!
Deci Mal contains examples of:
- '80s hair: Wears a poofy high ponytail.
- Author Appeal: Deci is not an avatar of her creator, but rather a highly self-indulgent character.
- Bare Your Midriff: Admittedly overused by her creator, several of Deci's outfits do this, most notably her default design.
- Billingual Bonus: Even her first voicebank sings in Japanese and English.
- Cluster Bleep-Bomb: "You Don't Want This on Radio" has a censor solo.
- Computer Voice: As with all vocal synths.
- Cute Machines: Some characters find her adorable the way you find cats adorable.
- Eagleland: She's American and typically boisterous and free-spirited.
- Early Installment Weirdness: Earlier artwork of Deci Mal lacks her platform shoes and prominent hips. They also accidentally tended to tuck her chain belt in her jeans.
- Eating Machine: See Ridiculously Human Robots.
- Hartman Hips
- Hidden Depths: Her bio says that she likes video games and outdated slang, and dislikes Captcha.
- Mascot With Attitude: Her bio and official art hint this. It also helps that of her many character inspirations, one of them was Sonic the Hedgehog.
- Meaningful Name: Deci Mal is the word 'decimal' split into a name; Decimal is a system of 10, the number 10's digits are 1 and 0; The earliest computer programs used the binary system, which only knows 1s and 0s.
- Meat-Sack Robot: A non-horrific example, she is a robot and her arms are hard and obviously metal, but the rest of her body is soft. Whether she has human flesh, is made of silicone, or any other explanation is up to interpretation, and whether she has human organs depends on the artist and scenario.
- No Fourth Wall: As expected from her creator's brand of humor.
- Princess Classic: Has such an outfit.
- Robot Girl: this trope is literally her holy shit
- Ridiculously Human Robots: See Meat-Sack Robot
- Stripperific: Wears a tube top that is literally the wireframe from a 3D model without the mesh. Needless to say, it exposes her bra.
- Tomboy With a Girly Streak: While generally a tomboy, she loves dressing up as a princess.
- True Blue Femininitiy
- What Could Have Been: Deci Mal's concept dates back to 2021 when her creator thought of creating an Utau of her natural voice to contrast her 2 private voice-acted Utaus at the time. The first incarnation of this was Punk Rose, a Ms. Fanservice with a pink motif. She was scrapped and replaced with Spike, who took more influence from Crypton's CV series. She too was scrapped and the concept of Punk Rose was revived, but less sexualized and given a robot arm. Finally, that led up to the creation of Deci Mal, who was also the first and only of these characters to have a voicebank recorded at all.
- Zeerust: Heavily inspired by the 20th century antiquated future.
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